In 2006, a credulous second year medical student combined his passion for the graphic medium with his newly initiated world of medicine. Medthics is an online, photographic novel series that tells the tale of growth for a young health professional. The series coincides with the progression of its author from medical school training into the early moments as a physician. The world of Medthics is fictional; stemming from a simulated clinical environment as a backdrop coupled with a group of keen models and countless hours of postproduction editing.
In the tradition of narrative medicine, Medthics has become a commentary on a number of issues relevant to medicine. The characters of Medthics are the anchor points in depicting these important themes. Their roles, however much like the rest of medicine, begin to blur over the course of the stories. In many instances, the stories of Medthics serve as a serious cautionary tale about what transpires internally when we enter the delicate world of healthcare.
Harmon Fong hails from Toronto and completed his medical school training at the University of Western Ontario. He spent three years at Dalhousie University traveling the East Coast while completing his residency in emergency medicine (CCFP-EM). He can currently be found flying through the halls on late evenings in a community emergency department in Oakville, Ontario Canada.
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